Time to Garden!

I do love gardening, don’t you? With better weather these days, gardening fever has taken hold and I’m just antsy to get some seeds in the ground! It’s too early for that, though, but it’s not to early to get certain varieties started indoors.



We’ve bought seeds for cherry tomatoes, poblano peppers, sweet long peppers, bell peppers, sage, parsley, basil, cilantro, thyme, and a few others and started them. They’ve been planted in starter trays and placed under the grow light so we’ll be ready to plop them in the ground around Good Friday.



I’m trying something new this year; Brussels Sprouts. I’ve never grown them, so there’ll be something of a learning curve here. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to some fresh, homegrown sprouts.

I decided not to buy seeds for slicing tomatoes. I’ll just pick up a few plants when it’s time and put them in.

Do you love growing your own vegetables? What secrets can you share with me? It’s been many a year since I had a garden and all advice is sought and gratefully accepted!


As always, I sure do appreciate you coming by today. When I see you’ve visited or liked a post it makes my heart sing. If I see you’ve left a comment for me, I’m just right over the moon! Being that you’re out and about on the web anyway, why not pop over to Amazon and get a copy of New Yesterdays for your reading pleasure? Pick up an extra copy or three for the young folk in your life. They’ll thank you for it and Ol’ Big Jim will too! Just click either of those highlighted links and, presto! Like magic, you’ll be off on a delightful journey!


About Ol' Big Jim

Ol' Big Jim, has been a storekeeper, an embalmer, a hospital orderly, a medical biller, and through it all, a teller of tall tales. Many of his stories, like his first book, New Yesterdays, are set in his hometown of Piedmont, Alabama. For seven years, he lived in the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, Amman, Jordan where he spends his time trying to visit each one of the thousands of Ammani coffee shops and scribbling in his ever-present notebook. These days, you can find him back stateside, still filling notebooks.
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10 Responses to Time to Garden!

  1. Caz Greenham says:

    Go you, Gardener Jimbo. It’s obvious, looking at those lovely photos, you’ve got green fingers. Fabulous photos.
    I’ve got a sizeable Rosemary plant. Planted in the border. I cursed when I realised I hadn’t picked a sprig or 5 for the whole leg of lamb I roasted last Sunday. However, I’ve got yet another leg of lamb in the freezer…I keep casting an eye over Rosemary. As you do. I won’t forget next time, Jim.
    Sprouts, you say. I’ve only ever grown them once. During winter. They do need a touch of Jack Frost to visit their luscious leaves to make them tasty.
    I grew Savoy cabbages once. OK if one can keep white fly away.
    We’ve got a small greenhouse where we grow our tomatoes. It’s my intention to grow the really big beef toms this year. My ole dad grew them by the ton quite successfully in his greenhouse. Always a big dishful waiting for me on top of his tall freezer.
    Can’t beat homegrown, Jim. Quite a different taste.
    Happy gardening.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ol' Big Jim says:

      Oh, thanks for that bit about the sprouts. Perhaps I’m putting them in too early for this climate zone. Can’t wait for the Rosemary to grow. I’m thinking of a Rosemary hedge. Love homegrown veggies and fruits! Thanks so much for coming by, our Caz!


  2. On those sprouts. The worms that attack broccoli love sprouts too. Keep them under cheesecloth to keep the moths from laying eggs. Or use a Dawn and water spray to keep them under control. Sprouts love the cool weather too. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. jaysquires says:

    I haven’t grown anything from seed for years. Then I just plant them outside I was thinking of planing some tomatoes by seed this year, but surprised you don’t seed-plant slicing tomatoes. I always love to read your homey posts, though. I’m 3/4 the way through your superb novel. I’ll post a review on Amazon when I finish it and let you know.

    My latest post on insomnia you might enjoy: http://bondingfyre.com/is-tonights-1-3rd-spent-rehearsing-tomorrows-2-3rds/

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ol' Big Jim says:

      Thanks for your kind words, Jay! I’ve been missing you recently. I don’t plant the slicing tomatoes from seed because I just hate the idea of tossing so many perfectly good plants simply because I haven’t the room for them. Seems wasteful. I’m looking forward to your review! Now, I’m off to bondingfyre!


  4. jaysquires says:

    Great point about the tomato seeds. It’s just that the plants are so expensive, comparatively speaking. But I gotta say, I do the tomato plants myself. In fact, it’s just about time to start tilling my plot in the back yard.

    By the way, I just dropped off my review at Amazon. Something should show by tomorrow.

    I gotta say, you left a lot of juice at the end for a sequel. Don’t disappoint your fans.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ol' Big Jim says:

      I’ve been working on a sequel, but somehow it’s not coming together. So far all I have are disjointed little stories that I need to cobble together.

      Thanks a million for the review; I can’t wait to read it!


  5. Sounds good. Up here we have a healthy dusting of snow this morning, but it spring will come.

    Liked by 1 person

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